Why You Should Visit Pekalongan

curug bajing

Why You Should Visit Pekalongan, The Creative Cities.

The article Why You Should Visit Pekalongan is providing you about the things you can do when you have a plan to visit this creative cities. This article also made for non-native Pekalongan people whom never come here and for the natives which lives far from of this city.

Pekalongan is home for approximately 350.000 people which have their own history, tradition, accent, administration, government and several things that support and make the city lives for human activities. Some important things have a bold character as Pekalongan was a coastal and religious city. It makes a something like a stereotype for people who lives in  there.

UNESCO confirmed this city as a one creative cities in the world. We all know those creativity came from their commodities named Batik. People in Pekalongan used to creating, making, selling, distributing and even drawing Batik from long time ago. Although not all those people whose involved in this industry creating Batik using a manual methods like drawings. Batik Pekalongan in modern date knowing as a printed style. Its matched and support their motives who typically had a very bright colors.

So, When you have never come to this city, We’ll give you several reason why should you Visit Pekalongan, even though you’re came from abroad.

Business in Pekalongan.

From a long time ago, Pekalongan is well known as trading city. Some says that this city have a good economic growth rate in Central Java, But not as good as Semarang, Cilacap and Kudus. But if we talk about Garment or Batik business, you cannot forget this city.

There’s so much Batik and Garment industries in Pekalongan. You can find from the smallest one into manufacturing company. This is an opportunity for  everyone who engaged on garment business. As you know, Batik have been touted as a heritage of the world by UNESCO in 2009. And if you interest in doing Batik Business in your area, Pekalongan is the city that you should visit for.

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Bright Colors of Pekalongan Batik. doc : lifestyle.okezone.com

You can do supply the necessities of the batik industry like fabric, yarn, dye, wrappers, and so on. Or you can just do trade by buy from the makes directly and sell it to your customer with a favorable margin. Sounds pretty good right?

Not just only Batik and garment industries can settle at this city. Pekalongan also well known as a large marine commodity producer. Although this city only have a middle size Ports, they have a Official Fish Auction Office which serving trade or auction for fishing boat all across the nations that came to the port. Pekalongan once have a plan to make their port more bigger, but the silting problems make it never realize.  This city also have a canning food company who processing fish commodities from its port.

Fish Auction Center. doc : jowonews.com

Studying (Religious)

As describe in the first paragraph, This city is known as a religious city too. Islam we’re the biggest religious majority in Pekalongan, followed by Christianity. Some people come to the city for religious study in several Pesantren  (Boarding School) that scattered across the city. People also attending recitation event which are often held by famous Islamic figures. One of those named Habib Lutfi whose has a huge followers.

habib luthfi
Habib luthfi during the “study” and his followers. doc : nu.or.id

For student who lives outside Pekalongan but not really far like Batang or Pemalang, They do try their best to competing and to be accepted in Pekalongan’s school. School in Pekalongan were knew as the best in the regions. So, don’t worry if you have plan to stay for a longer time in this city, Your kids will be get a well grade school for their education. Its a big deal, right?

Pekalongan’s Culinary

This city cuisine is far from bad or just middle range food. As a multi cultural city, This area have an influential from its culture, especially on its culinary. You wouldn’t regret if only came to this city just to taste the food. If you don’t like seafood which is the mainstay in this area, you still have a bunch of alternatives. Let us gives you some example food that will make you feel satisfied in your journey to explore this city.

Kepiting Gemes

Kepiting Gemes is a crab dish with special spices that is only available in the Pekalongan area and its surroundings. It’s a bit spicy, but it’s delicious. You’re really missing out if you’ve never tasted this delicious crab. Other types of food can also be made with Gemes spices, such as gemes prawns or gemes squid. it feels phenomenal

kepiting gemes
Kepiting Gemes. doc : wrdnzc

Nasi Megono

Pekalongan have a native cuisine called Nasi Megono. This cuisine were made from Young Jack Fruit combining with Grated Coconut, Kecombrang, Petai, Lengkuas, Melinjo and others. Its very delicious to enjoy it with hot rice in the morning. Although Megono Rice is also available in other areas, the characteristics of Kecombrang contained in the ingredients makes the difference.

nasi megono
Megono Rice. doc : rm. simpang lima / jejakpiknik.com

There are still many tasteful specialties in Pekalongan such as Pecak Ikan, Pindang Tetel, Soto Tauto, etc. that you can enjoy when visiting this city.

Travel Attraction in  Visiting Pekalongan.

Actually there’s no such place which very representatives to enjoy family holiday like Dufan in Jakarta or Jatim park in Malang. There are plan to build Water Boom near the beach, but its still early to figure out when it will realized. But, if you concern with Batik as an important thing to learn. You can visit the Batik National Museum to find history, characteristic motives, how to and everything about Batik.

Batik museum
Batik Museum. doc : republika.co.id

Also, you just can visiting Kampung Batik to see how a batik forms in the first time or even try to draw motives batik your self. Located at the heart of the city, The finest batik making that is inherited from generation to generation you can witness directly.

The beach was not really good for swim or just bathing honestly. That’s because the shore was too dirty and the wave was too hard. The beach only a good place to someone who likes fishing or just sightseeing. The main reason that problems were an abrasion that occurs the area. There a land subsidence and sea level rise as a part of global warming which makes the city beach not really comfort to be enjoyed. Now, If you ever see, The government made a long great wall to hold upper sea level come into the town. Its still an unsolved problem till now for the city to attract beach lover.

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Pekalongan Beach. doc : Pantainesia.com

Mangrove Eco park could be an alternatives for you to see, but that was uncommon for family tourism. Honestly, you can get more comfortable beach to visit by heading to Batang. The nearest city located in the east of Pekalongan had such a beauty shore to enjoy.

So you can heads up to the hill which there are several place to do a sightseeing when you come in this city. In February, You should marks on your schedule to visit Durian’s Festival at Lolong. The local plants produce the best durian you would ever taste in your life.

Pekalongan is  now starting to improving  tourism awareness groups in attracting areas to increase tourist visits. The results can be seen, now starting to appear several interesting tourist objects such as Curug Bajing, Bidadari Waterfalls, Curug Cinde, Muncar Waterfalls, Lolong rafting, Ranch Camp and many more to appears.

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Beauty of Bajing Waterfalls. doc : sanjayatour.com

City Accomodation.

As the biggest level between cities around, Pekalongan have a better accomodation. Although the city didn’t have an airport, To be here is not a hard things.  The city had a Big Railway Station. The word big means that all the trains should stop at Pekalongan. Its different with Batang, Pemalang or Kendal whose each has a Train Station but in a lower level, which means the executive or business trains didn’t stop at this station.

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Pekalongan Train Station. doc : beritainspiratif.com

Either the station levels, This city also had a great lodging for you. There are much lodging between small and 5 stars Hotels available if compared to nearest city.  This city also have a bus station, taxi’s and online cab for one who need it. You still can enjoy Becak if you were feel boring travel by cars in this city.

Don’t even worry about your wife or kids will not settled in this city. Pekalongan have Malls, a lot of coffee shops and several great restaurant to hang out, meetings or just eat. Usually if there’s no Malls, its a disaster for the kids and absolutely, your wife. Batik Grocery also a fun place to go shopping for a better price of a batik you can’t found elsewhere.

Batik Grocery visit pekalongan
Batik Grocery. doc : jalanbareng.com

City Situation.

For those of you who are used to living in mountainous areas, coming here certainly requires adjustments. Pekalongan is a city that is quite hot because it is located on the coast. Pekalongan usually has a temperature range of 25 to 32 C degrees. Before you come to this city, please see the weather portal so you can adjust yourself  to the weather.

Although the roads in almost all areas are already smooth, the roads in this city are still filled with trucks passing through the city, so be careful. Sometimes in the main streets, road users are mixed together like Bicycles, Becak, Vehicles and Cars.

For a certain time, the tidal flood (people call it Rob) will hit the city. For this reason, avoid routes that are known to be affected by tidal flooding. Tidal flood water is very dangerous and can cause disease. However, for now, the tidal flood has begun to decrease because various measures have been taken to prevent it.

The People

Pekalongan people are accustomed to multicultural life since ancient times. Many people of Chinese, Arab, Indian or other ethnic descent live in this city. The city is also multi-religious and harmonious living here has become commonplace. The people of Pekalongan are quite friendly and are known to be very familial, even though in their daily dialect they seem rude. The people’s way of speaking tends to be harsh but actually full of friendship meaning. And usually they will insert insults or cursing in their conversations with people they know.

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Multi Ethnic in harmony illustration. doc : ekilesmana.blogspot.com

Visit Pekalongan Conclusion.

Maybe Pekalongan is not a list of cities that you want to visit for tourism in near, but you will be at a loss if you have never come to this city. This city is quite fun and good for business, culinary and religious studies. So, Make a note in your agenda to visit Pekalongan, whether visiting friends, relatives or just coming to buy the famous Pekalongan Batik. Pekalongan will give warmest hug to you.

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